HBCG - HB Construction Group
HBCG stands for HB Construction Group
Here you will find, what does HBCG stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate HB Construction Group? HB Construction Group can be abbreviated as HBCG What does HBCG stand for? HBCG stands for HB Construction Group. What does HB Construction Group mean?The Vietnam based company is located in Vietnam engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of HBCG
View 2 other definitions of HBCG on the main acronym page
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- HOC Hager Oil Company
- HHAL Harlington Hospice Association Limited
- HP The Harbour Project
- HVCH Hopewell Valley Central High
- HPI Hines Precision Inc.
- HHC Head Hunter Confidential
- HI The Hero Initiative
- HM The Hunt Museum
- HF House of Flavors
- HFC Harvard Faculty Club
- HIA High Impact Analytics
- HM Hearts and Minds
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